Home Workout Schedule – October

Week 2 – Day 1 – Legs

Superset 1

Single Leg Pistol Squats - 4 sets of 12 reps per leg

Beginning (gram on left) – Using a high chair, feet apart, arms out in front, sit down and up on the chair.

Intermediate (middle) – Using a bench or lower chair, feet apart, bend both knees and sit down then stand up with one leg.

Advanced (me on right) – With one leg on the ground and the other leg straight out, sit down on a bench with one leg and stand up one leg. Try to only use that one leg to sit and stand.

Side to Side Lateral Lunges - 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Starting with your feet together, step one leg out to the side and bend that leg while keeping the other one straight. Step back to standing feet together, then step out the other leg to the other side. Keep alternating legs as you do the exercise.

Squat to Curtsy Lunge - 4 sets of 12 reps per leg

Beginning/Intermediate (gram on the left/mom in the middle) – I would try with no weight at first until you feel like you have correct form. Starting with your feet together, step out to a squat, return to standing with your feet together, then step back on an angle into a curtsy lunge, then back to starting.

Advanced (me on the right) – Holding a heavy dumbbell, start with your feet together, step out to a squat, return to standing with your feet together, then step back on an angle into a curtsy lunge, then back to starting.

Superset 2

RDL to Step Back Lunge - 5 sets of 10-12 reps per leg

Beginning (gram on the left) – Holding on to the wall or a chair, reach arm to one foot on the ground kicking the other leg up and back, then stand back up and step back into a lunge.

Intermediate (mom in the middle) – You can hold on to something if needed for this exercise. Hold a dumbbell in one hand, reach to opposite foot kicking the other leg up and back, then stand back up and step back into a lunge.

Advanced (me on the right) – Hold a dumbbell in one hand and reach to opposite foot, kicking the other leg up and back. Stand back up then step back to lunge.

Single Leg Hip Lifts - 5 sets of 20 reps per leg

Beginning (gram on the left) – Lying on your back with knees bent and both feet on the ground, push through heels and lift your hips to the ceiling before coming back down. Keep lifting up and down, squeezing glutes at the top.

Intermediate (mom in the middle) – Lying on your back with one knee bent and one foot on the ground, put your other leg up in the air. Push through the heel and lift hip to ceiling, squeezing glutes at the top of every rep.

Advanced (me on the right) – Place one foot up on a chair or bench, and point the other leg toward the ceiling. Push through the foot on the bench, lifting hips to the ceiling. Keep repeating while squeezing glutes at the top of every rep.

Superset 3

2 Squats, 1 Squat Jump - 4 sets of 30 seconds

Starting with feet shoulder width apart, bend both knees into a squat 2 times, then bend the 3rd time and jump at the top (squat jump.) Continue repeating 2 squats 1 squat jump.

Banded Dumbbell Step Back Lunges - 4 sets of 15 reps per leg

Beginning/Intermediate (left and middle example) – Hold light/medium dumbbells and no band. Starting with your feet together, step back into a lunge then return to standing with your feet together. Keep stepping back into lunge repeatedly then switch legs.

Advanced (right example) – Place a band around your legs right above the knees and hold dumbbells.

Banded Lunge Hops - 4 sets of 15 reps per leg

Beginning (gram on left) – Standing with your feet apart, bend both legs into a lunge then stand back up.

Intermediate (mom in middle) – Starting with your feet together, step back into a lunge or slight hop into a lunge, then stand with your feet back together.

Advanced (me on right) – Put a band around your legs right above your knees. Stand with your feet apart and lunge hop up and down continuously.